6 Tipps und Tricks zur Holzbearbeitung für Anfänger
Consumers Round Table
Location: Furniture - 24.06.24, 13:00 - 24.06.24, 14:00 (UTC) (1 Stunde)

6 Tipps und Tricks zur Holzbearbeitung für Anfänger
Toni Rhodes Managing Partner  at The Jackson Group http://jackson.group.example.com toni.rhodes11@example.com (198)-539-4948

Toni Rhodes works in IT sector since 10 years. He is known notably for selling mouse traps. With that trick he cut IT budget by almost half within the last 2 years. Famous Managing Partner.

In diesem Video stelle ich sechs Tipps und Tricks vor, um Anfängern zu helfen:

  • Making a center marking gauge
  • Bandy clamp hack
  • Right angle clamp jig
  • Miter saw tip
  • Glue tip
  • Dowel Hack